Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Respect compassion & pain

Why is it so many demand respect,
But refuse to give it?
Demand compassion,
But relish in the pain of others?

Did I miss something?
They live with their hand out,
Expecting to have everything handed to them.
These same people do nothing,
Have done nothing,
And, will more than likely never do anything to deserve the things they demand
Solely for their self perceived efforts.

Give freely or they’ll take it from you,
Simply because they exist.
Don’t dream,
They’ll take that too.

They lecture on right and wrong,
Lecture on Good and bad,
Expound on the virtues of Honor,
Yet, they know nothing of the concept.

Self righteously they seek the truth,
Only to condemn the messenger,
And reel back in disbelief at his words.

“How dare he speak the truth!”

Indignation and hate fill their eyes.
Fake smiles crease their faces,
The plotting ensues.

They are living examples of the sins they accuse,
They take hard and give light,
They set a standard that they refuse to live.

Give up or give in,
Take me away

Just who are these people?
More importantly,

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